Woman wearing long-sleeved black jumpsuit with embellished belt and flared trousers

How to wear a jumpsuit casually

Jumpsuits are a beautiful alternative to dresses when attending a social occasion. They’re ideal for a wide range of social events, such as weddings, christenings, birthday parties, and nights on the town with friends. If you’re attending a more casual affair and would still like to wear a jumpsuit, there are multiple ways for you to style it. Find out how to wear a jumpsuit casually with NADINE MERABI’s tips below.

Casual jumpsuits

When you’re attending a casual social gathering, it can be tempting to stick on a pair of jeans and a blouse. This lightweight, easy-going outfit is an easy choice, but you should be a bit braver with your closet. Get your favorite jumpsuit out and pair it with some other items to make it feel more casual.

At NADINE MERABI, we have plenty of jumpsuits available for you to choose from that would fit into a casual look, like the NATALIA black jumpsuit. Featuring a detachable belt around the waist, you can make this jumpsuit fit the way you want it to. Have it looser for a more casual feel or wear the belt for a figure-hugging look.

Woman wearing long-sleeved black jumpsuit with embellished belt and flared trousers

This stunner of a jumpsuit is crafted from high-shine sequin fabric and is a must-have for any wardrobe.

Another jumpsuit at MERABI that can easily be worn in a casual style is the COLETTE white jumpsuit. Designed to effortlessly enhance your figure, this jumpsuit features an incredible MERABI corsetry boning that cinches in the waist, accentuating every curve, while a statement feather trim adds a touch of glamor. Not only that but COLETTE is made from our exclusive crepe fabric and is fully lined for a smooth, comfortable fit - perfect for a casual day.

Woman wearing strapless white jumpsuit with feather trim

The loose, airy trousers also make this jumpsuit much more comfortable and loose-fitting.

How to wear a jumpsuit casually

So, now you’ve picked a jumpsuit to wear but you’re not sure how to make it casual? First of all, you can make it look more comfortable with your choice of footwear. Either wear a pair of sneakers or some flat shoes and the jumpsuit instantly becomes a lot more casual.

As well as flats, you could also wear sliders or flip-flops depending on the weather. On a warmer day, you can’t get more casual than flip-flops on your feet!

Pairing the jumpsuit with a hat (not a fascinator) is also an easy way to simplify the outfit. Wearing comfortable, lightweight clothing and accessories with your jumpsuit are great ways to make your outfit more casual.

Jumpsuits at NADINE MERABI

Now you know how to wear a jumpsuit casually, you can choose from NADINE MERABI’s wide range of stunning outfits. There’s so much more to browse at NADINE MERABI, like our wide selection of shortstopssuits, and much more.

You can also find specific occasional clothing for bridesmaids, as well as outfits for honeymoons, and more. Every NADINE MERABI piece is made by hand using the finest quality materials and exceptional craftsmanship to ensure these pieces last for a lifetime.

If you have any questions about our range of clothing or would like to check your order, do not hesitate to email us at hello@nadinemerabi.com.

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