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What is Luxury Fashion & How Does this Help the Environment?

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries. As a result, it is important that all those involved in the industry take measures to reduce their impact as much as possible. At NADINE MERABI, we endeavor to reduce our environmental impact with sustainable practices at every stage of production. So what is luxury fashion and how can it play its part in protecting the environment? Read on to find out.

What is Luxury Fashion?

You may have heard of the phrase before, but exactly what is luxury fashion? Luxury fashion involves creating clothes that are of finer quality. In order to do so, higher quality materials are used to make the clothing. As a result of the hand-crafted care we put into each and every garment at NADINE MERABI, this process means that our clothing takes longer to make but its quality benefits as a result.

All of our topsskirtspajamas and everything else in our full collection are made with high-end materials and attention to detail. Our range both looks and feels high-quality, which means your money goes further when you choose luxury.

As well as the quality, luxury fashion also includes forward-thinking and unique designs. The styles of clothing at NADINE MERABI are distinctively ours, idiosyncratic and made to be timeless.

Sustainability at NADINE MERABI

With fast fashion being such a prevalent business model, you may be wondering how the fashion industry can be operated in a way that looks after the planet for the benefit of future generations.

At NADINE MERABI, we operate in a completely opposite way to the fast fashion industry. With other clothing brands, you may find that they make an effort to quickly produce clothing to meet current trends. Though this is usually more affordable, this clothing is not designed to last. So whether cheaply produced clothing at a mass scale is purchased or not, it will not stand the test of time and inevitably sit in landfills for years and years.

This is where luxury fashion and clothing at NADINE MERABI make for the better environmental choice, taking the approach of ‘slow fashion’ instead. What this means is that instead of creating cheaply produced clothing that is likely to become easily worn out and head to the landfill, our clothing is designed to last a lifetime.

The luxury materials that we make our clothing from, such as our exclusive satin and velvet, make for comfortable wearing but also mean that our pieces can be worn again and again due to their durability. We use fewer resources to make fewer clothes and, in addition, our clothing process is zero waste. 

We have waitlists for our product pages, indicating exactly how many items to produce. With no overproduction, we have no wasted clothing. With global overproduction averaging an astonishing 20%, our sustainable business model makes all the difference.

Our sustainable business practices don’t stop there, however. You can read further about our impact commitment on our website to learn how we use ethical practices to support our workers, work with ethical organizations, provide carbon-neutral shipments and a lot more. Your purchase at NADINE MERABI is always an ethical one.

Sustainable luxury fashion at NADINE MERABI

We hope you now have a better understanding of luxury fashion and how it can help us all to become more sustainable. There’s so much more ethically-made clothing to browse at NADINE MERABI, like our wide selection of dressesjumpsuits, and more.

Take a look at our carefully chosen collections including Nadine’s Top PicksLittle Black MomentsNights Out and even more for you to browse. Every NADINE MERABI piece is made by hand using the finest quality materials and exceptional craftsmanship to ensure these pieces last for a lifetime.

If you have any questions about our range of clothing or would like to check your order, do not hesitate to email us at
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